Young adult moving into a new home

Moving Long Distance – 21 Best Long Distance Moving Tips

Moving Long Distance – 21 Best Long Distance Moving Tips Expand options

Moving long distances can be a thrilling adventure, filled with the excitement of new beginnings. Whether you’re crossing the country or just hopping to a neighboring state, the journey is more than just a change of address—it’s a fresh start. But let’s be honest, moving is about as fun as getting a root canal. It demands meticulous planning, impeccable organization, and a hefty dose of patience. Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t sweat it; we’ve got your back with 21 golden tips to make your move as smooth as butter and stress-free. Ready to turn the daunting into the doable? Let’s dive in and make your move a breeze! Spoiler alert: no magic wands are required.


Relocating to a new home is always an adventure, but when that move is across the country, the challenges multiply. From finding reliable long-distance movers near you to managing the logistics of packing and moving, every step requires careful consideration. Here, we provide you with essential tips to help you navigate your long-distance move efficiently and cost-effectively.

5 Helpful Tips for Preparing for a Long-Distance Move

  1. Start Early: Think of it like planning a big party—don’t wait until the last minute. Start at least 8 weeks in advance to stay organized and stress-free.
  2. Declutter: Channel your inner Marie Kondo and decide what to keep, donate, or toss. Less stuff means lower moving costs and less hassle.
  3. Get Multiple Quotes: Don’t settle for the first mover you find. Get quotes from several long-distance moving services to find the best deal. It’s like speed dating for movers!
  4. Research Moving Companies: Avoid moving nightmares by checking reviews and ratings online. Make sure you choose reputable cross-country moving services.
  5. Book in Advance: Once you find the right moving company, lock them in. Book early to secure your moving date, just like snagging concert tickets for your favorite band.

5 Common Pitfalls to Sidestep During Your Long-Distance Move (Because Who Doesn’t Love Extra Stress?)

  1. Underestimating Time: Don’t leave everything until the last minute—unless you enjoy the adrenaline rush of a time crunch! Start packing early. Think of it like studying for finals; cramming the night before never ends well.
  2. Ignoring Hidden Costs: Moving is like dining at a fancy restaurant; there are always extra charges. Be aware of additional costs like packing materials, insurance, and storage fees. Surprise expenses are the worst kind of surprise.
  3. Failing to Label Boxes: Clearly label all boxes with their contents and the room they belong to. Picture yourself trying to find your toothbrush in a sea of unmarked boxes—it’s a nightmare you can easily avoid.
  4. Not Measuring New Space: Imagine getting your favorite couch to your new home only to find it doesn’t fit through the door. Measure doorways and room dimensions ahead of time to avoid a furniture fiasco.
  5. Skipping Insurance: Moving insurance is crucial. Think of it as a safety net for your belongings. If something gets damaged or lost in transit, you’ll be covered. Don’t leave your valuables unprotected.

10 Essential Do’s and Don’ts for Packing

  5 Do’s

  1. Do Use Quality Packing Materials: Invest in sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, packing paper, and packing tape to protect your stuff. Trust me, you don’t want to find your favorite mug shattered because you thought a flimsy box would do the trick.
  2. Do Label Boxes Clearly: Write the contents and destination room on each box. Use colored labels for easy identification. You’ll thank yourself later when you’re not frantically opening every box just to find the coffee maker on the first morning.
  3. Do Pack an Essentials Box: Keep items you’ll need immediately upon arrival, such as toiletries, a change of clothes, and important documents, in a separate box. Think of it as your survival kit for the first night in the new place. You don’t want to be rummaging through boxes looking for toothpaste at 2 a.m.
  4. Do Pack Fragile Items with Care: Use bubble wrap and cushioning to protect breakables. Picture this: you’ve arrived at your new home, only to find your grandmother’s vase in pieces because you thought a couple of paper towels would be enough. Don’t be that person—wrap those items up like they’re going on an expedition.
  5. Do Label Boxes with Fragile Items: Mark these boxes clearly to ensure they are handled with care. Imagine the horror of seeing your fragile box at the bottom of a stack of heavy boxes. A simple “FRAGILE” label can save you from a heart attack when unloading.


  1. Don’t Leave Empty Spaces in Boxes: Fill gaps with packing paper to prevent items from shifting during transit. It’s like a game of Tetris—if you leave gaps, things will move around and might break. Nobody wants to find their plates in pieces because they had a little too much room to dance around.
  2. Don’t Forget to Pack Important Documents Separately: Keep documents like passports, birth certificates, and contracts with you, not in the moving truck. Picture this: you urgently need your passport for an ID check, and it’s somewhere in one of the hundred boxes in the moving truck. Avoid the stress by keeping these documents close.
  3. Don’t Procrastinate: One of the biggest mistakes you can make is waiting until the last minute to start packing. Procrastination leads to rushed and poorly organized packing, which can cause damage to your belongings and increase stress levels.
  4. Don’t Overpack Boxes: It can be tempting to stuff as much as possible into each box, but this can lead to heavy, unmanageable boxes that are prone to breaking. Overpacked boxes are also difficult to carry and can cause injury.
  5. Don’t Use Low-Quality Packing Materials: Using low-quality or insufficient packing materials can lead to damaged items. Thin boxes, flimsy tape, and inadequate padding won’t protect your belongings during the move.

Handling Special Items During Your Move

For those special items like pianos, artwork, or antiques, think of them as the VIPs of your moving entourage. It’s crucial to inform your movers in advance because nothing says disaster like a grand piano showing up unannounced. Consider using professional packing services or specialized movers who treat your prized possessions with the white-glove service they deserve. And don’t forget to ensure you have adequate insurance coverage—think of it as rolling out the red carpet for your valuables, giving you peace of mind that they’ll arrive in pristine condition.

Do Your All Paperwork

Make sure you’ve got all your moving paperwork sorted out, like contracts with the moving company, change of address forms, and any necessary permits or parking reservations at your new place. It’s like getting all your ducks in a row so you don’t end up scrambling last minute or facing a parking nightmare on moving day. Also, take this opportunity to declutter your home. Getting rid of unnecessary items can make the move smoother and your new space more organized. For more tips on how to declutter before a move, check out this guide.

Dealing with Moving Day Surprises (Because What Could Possibly Go Wrong?)

Moving day can be a rollercoaster of surprises, because what could possibly go wrong? Picture this: you’re all set to leave, but the moving truck breaks down halfway to your new place. Or, you realize you’ve packed your coffee maker in the bottom of a box labeled “winter clothes.” Maybe the weather decides to join the fun with a torrential downpour, soaking everything. And let’s not forget the classic—your new key doesn’t fit the lock. Staying flexible and having a backup plan is key. Because let’s face it, something will go wrong. 

Embrace the chaos and laugh through the mishaps!

By keeping your cool and staying prepared, you’ll handle any moving day surprises like a pro!

Ready to pack efficiently? Book now!


Moving long distances doesn’t have to be the nightmare everyone makes it out to be. By following these tips, you can turn this chaotic ordeal into a (somewhat) smooth and successful move. From planning and packing to settling into your new home, each step is an opportunity to show off your Type A personality. Stay organized and proactive—think of it as your chance to be the overachiever you always knew you could be.

Remember, choosing the right long-distance moving services is like finding the perfect pair of jeans: it makes everything better and less likely to fall apart. And hey, staying positive will turn your cross-country move into an adventure, rather than a chore. Just imagine, instead of a meltdown because your favorite mug is missing, you’re having a laugh about it over coffee with your new neighbors. Happy moving, and may the moving gods be ever in your favor! 

FAQs for Moving Long Distance

Moving long distance? Fun times, right? Here’s a bunch of questions you probably didn’t know you needed answers to. You’re welcome.

Q: When should I begin planning my long-distance move?

 Yesterday. But seriously, start 8 to 12 weeks in advance.

Q: How can I calculate the expenses for my long-distance move?

Factor in the distance, weight of your stuff, packing services, and any extras. Get quotes from multiple companies to avoid a financial meltdown.

Q: What qualities should I seek in a trustworthy moving company?

Look for good reviews, proper licensing, and insurance. Clear pricing and no hidden fees—because who loves a surprise bill?

Q: What are the effective methods for decluttering before a move?

Sort your junk into keep, donate, sell, and trash piles. Use the “one-year rule” for stuff you haven’t touched in forever.

Q: What items should go in my essentials box for moving day?

Toiletries, clothes, important documents, meds, basic kitchen stuff, chargers, and valuables. Everything you’ll need immediately.

Q: How can I reduce stress when moving with pets?

Keep their routine normal, confine them to a quiet space on moving days, and bring their comfort items. Easy, right?

Q: What are some helpful tips for relocating with children?

Involve them in the process, keep them informed, pack their favorite things for the trip, and set up their room first. Simple.

Q: What steps should I take if my belongings are damaged during the move?

Document the damage, contact the moving company, and file a claim. Check your contract and insurance because surprises are fun.

Q: What actions should I take if my moving schedule is delayed?

Communicate with your movers, arrange temporary accommodations, and update any necessary parties. Flexibility is key.

Q: How can I best acclimate to my new neighborhood?

Explore local amenities, introduce yourself to neighbors, and join community events. Act like you belong there.

Clutter is more than just storage.

To find out how you can declutter in your life, talk to one of our space experts. We’ll get you started with the right storage plan for you.

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