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DIY & Apartment Hacks

10 Tips for Living in Small Spaces with Kids and Dogs

10 Tips for Living in Small Spaces with Kids and Dogs Expand options

You might remember the first day of moving into your apartment, excited about the new things to come and admiring each corner of your new living place. As your family moves in with you, you’ll have to prep the apartment to be safe for your kids and pets. It might take a lot of effort and skill for you to fit all your and your family’s stuff in a small place. Apartments usually have enough room to accommodate a family but fall short when it comes to kids’ stuff, furniture, pet accessories, etc.

To fulfill your dream of living in a small apartment, we will provide you with 10 Insane Hacks to Manage Your Small Apartment with Kids and Dogs. We want you to live as richly as you can within the boundaries of your home.


1. Bed for yourself:

Your bed takes up most of the space, and you are forced to push stuff under it when you run out of space in your room. This method might not be adequate to store things as they are at risk of getting damaged. To make due use of the area underneath the bed, we advise you to invest in a bed with a storage compartment built under it. You can keep your sheets, quilts, blankets, clothes, and necessary items inside it for safe storage and easy access. This compartment bed can be a natural replacement for a separate closet or a full-sized cupboard, saving further space in your room.

2. Bed for Children:

Keeping a bed for your child in your room can be harder than you think, even more so if you have more than one child. Multiple beds can take up a lot of space, preventing you from accommodating important stuff in your room. Use portable and easily stored mini cribs for your children when they are younger. When they outgrow their bassinet, we advise you to invest in bunk beds for your kids. Bunk beds replace the need for multiple beds; they save space and are more enjoyable for kids. You can also look for beds with a dressing compartment, changing table, or any other additional functionality for further convenience.

3. Wall-mounted shelves

Investing in wall-mounted accessories for your room can save you tons of space on the floor. You can place or hang your picture frames, plants, ornaments, and other items on the shelves. They can replace the extra tables that you currently use for these items.

4. Wall-mounted cabinets

Mounted cabinets are practical storage components and add to the general room décor. They provide you with a secure hideaway unit to safely store your stuff. Cabinets are usually installed at a reasonable height to keep out of reach for children. Keeping unfriendly child products in them can prove to be a good safety measure.

5. Convertible Furniture

The increasing trend of small apartments and a need to save space led to mainstream usage of multitasking furniture. The market has an excess of particular room goods that serve various purposes and replace the demand for many furniture goods. E.g., keeping a sofa-bed in your room can replace the need for a separate bed for when you need one in an emergency. Similarly, some chairs also serve as tables, multi-purpose coffee tables, ottomans with storage compartments, and much more. You can do a quick search through the web and shop for the one you like to replace several furniture components in your room.

6. Wall Hooks In Bathroom and Closets

Wall hooks are self-adhesive, cheap, durable, and a smart way to hang up your goods to save space in the closet or the bathroom. Bathrooms usually have a small area for you to play around with and essential toilet accessories occupy most of it. Stick a few of these hooks to the walls in your bathroom to hang up clothes, scarfs, towels, and other necessary accessories. As for closets, its always a nuisance keeping them perfectly organized but luckily installing wall hooks can aid you to store your clothes better.

7. Organize and compartmentalize your kid’s stuff:

A small apartment usually falls short for accommodating a significant number of people in a family. Personal use items, furniture, toys, and other belongings occupy a considerable part of your room(s). Figuring out a way to effectively organize these belongings can free up a noticeable amount of space in your vicinity. For example, you can allocate a corner of a room for the crib and baby stuff, so your child’s stuff stays in one place rather than all over the room. Or, learn how to store baby bottles in an efficient way.

8. Carpet the floor:

Carpeting the floor can help you get rid of extra noise to ensure a more comfortable living space. Walking on an uncarpeted floor makes a lot of unwanted noise, especially at night. So, to prevent your children from waking up, carpeted floors prove to be beneficial for parents. Purchasing a rug that matches your décor can be a positive addition to your room.

9. Functionalize your display items:

Many people prefer a display of showcase items in their rooms such as paintings, crafted pieces, and artworks, etc. Although these items add to the beauty of your place, they might be taking too much dead space. You can use this space effectively by adding another function to them than just a display. E.g., keeping your keys in a decorative bowl or purchasing a mounted piece that also serves as a night light.

10. Dog House

Pets require an ample amount of accommodation tweaks in your apartments to live problem-free. You might find it hard to manage an extravagant living space for your dog. Invest in a small multifunctional dog house to keep in a particular corner of the room. Organize its stuff and toys, so they all stay in one place. You can also design and make a dog house for your pup at home. Make sure to handle the tools correctly and seek help if needed.


Jessica Howell is a loving mother who started TemperandTantrum to share her immense maternal experiences. She aims to help parents make the correct choices for themselves and their children. She also holds a Journalism degree and contributes to many parenting blogs. 

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