Home Improvement

12 At-Home Spring Activities to Uplift Your Mood

12 At-Home Spring Activities to Uplift Your Mood Expand options

Spring is here and, with warm weather on the horizon, it’s finally time to crawl out of hibernation and embrace the sunshine. If you’ve been struggling with seasonal depression or anxiety this year, you may have trouble finding your smile.


Here are a few things you can do if you’re still experiencing the winter blues. 

1. Get Outside

When the rain subsides, get outside and explore nature. Soak up some mood-boosting vitamin D, and lower your blood pressure with the sights and sounds of nature. 

2. Plant a Garden 

You might also choose to flex your green thumb and plant a small garden in your backyard. Grow fruits, vegetables and herbs — and eat them all — to improve your diet and your mood. 

3. Chalk Up the Sidewalks

Who said chalk’s just for kids? Grab a bucket of sidewalk chalk and write encouraging messages on the sidewalk in front of your house. 

4. Move Your Body 

Moving your body in a way that feels good can also improve your mood. Get those endorphins flowing with aerobic exercise and keep in mind that a significant mood boost will require 10 to 30 minutes of exercise. 

5. Get Baking

Spring is the perfect time to try out new recipes and fill your home with the smell of baked goods. Try making and baking your own bread or whip up some cupcakes or fruit pies.

6. Host a Family Grill Party

Make everyone come to you by hosting a family grill party. Season the meat ahead of time and sear them when stomachs start grumbling. Just remember to oil the rack to keep your prime cuts from sticking to the grill. 

7. Get Lost In a Book

How long has it been since you’ve indulged in a romance novel or fairytale? Pick up a book and get lost in it for a few hours. Doing so will naturally allow you to forget your worries and decompress for a while.

8. Clean and Reorganize 

A messy living space may contribute to depression and lead to confusion, tension and an inability to focus. Therefore, it’s good practice to embrace spring cleaning and take some time to sanitize and reorganize your home. 

9. Meditate 

Cultivating mindfulness is another brilliant way to connect with the sensations in your body and thoughts in your head. Spend a few minutes in quiet meditation each day to explore your innermost being and find peace in a crazy world. 

10. Call a Friend

Sometimes all you need is a shoulder to lean on. Luckily, you can call a friend any time of year. Share your emotions and be honest if you’re struggling to maintain a positive outlook. Whether they offer advice or just a listening ear, you likely won’t regret picking up the phone. 

11. Journal 

If you don’t have any friends to call, write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal. Doing so will help you decompress and explore your emotions.

12. Plan a Vacation

Did COVID-19 throw a wrench in your travel plans last year? Embrace a sense of wonder and anticipation by planning your 2021 summer vacation this spring. Just thinking about beaches and palm trees is enough to make most people relax.

Prioritizing Yourself 

Many people resolve to invest in themselves at the beginning of the year. However, there’s no time like the present to reprioritize your mental and physical wellbeing. Boost your mood and enter this season with a smile on your face by taking care of yourself and doing whatever you need to do to be happy. 


AUTHOR BIO: Cora’s passion is to inspire others to live a happy, healthful, and mindful life through her words on Revivalist – wholeheartedly convincing them that everyday moments are worth celebrating. Cora has spent 5+ years writing for numerous lifestyle sites – hence her sincere love for both life and the beauty of style in all things. Keep up with Cora on Twitter, Pinterest and Facebook.

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