Hosting is a serious responsibility at any time of the year, but having family and friends stay with you can be joyful but also exhausting. Expectations are high, visitors are aplenty, and the list of holiday-specific dishes are endless. Here are four considerations to help you prepare for hosting this holiday season.
1. Start with the Basics
The best way to avoid stress when hosting is to prepare beforehand. Take the time to do any serious cleaning as early as possible, such as conducting a deeper clean in high traffic areas like the kitchen and bathrooms. This can be a great way to avoid extra work piling up right before the festivities kick off. It’s also a good idea to prepare any spaces where guests will be spending the night.
Next, come up with a cooking strategy. Create shopping lists and even do some cooking and baking early if any of your culinary creations can be stored. Another helpful option is to create some freezer meals ahead of time in order to make the periods between events a bit less stressful.
2. Decorate with Purpose

Once you have everything cleaned up, it’s time to dress up your space. If you take time to decorate beforehand, you’ll be able to turn your home into a winter wonderland.
Along with putting up the tree, take some time to do the little things like getting a Christmas-themed welcome mat, hanging outdoor lights, or stocking up on plenty of winter-scented candles. If you’re feeling especially ambitious, you can even put up temporary holiday-themed wallpaper up and then strip it off after the holidays.
The point is to decorate with purpose. If you’re thoughtful about your decor, you’ll end up with a cozy, comfy, hygge-inspired holiday event that will stay in everyone’s memories for years to come.
3. Remember the Little Guests

It’s important to prepare for the children who will be at your house, as bored children can cause quite a bit of trouble.
Take some time to set up a child-friendly space. Look for interactive activities like puzzles and coloring books. Find some board games or set up a game system. If you don’t have any good Christmas movies, pull one up on a streaming service like Netflix or Disney. Whatever you choose to do, make sure to have something ready for the kids.
4. Prepare Yourself
Make sure to take a little time to prepare yourself for the holiday rush to come as well. Beforehand, take time to set up stress antidotes throughout your space like an essential oil diffuser. Also, consider spending some dedicated time regularly unplugging and relaxing when you’re not busy hosting.
When you’re hosting, don’t be afraid to ask for help, either. Hosting doesn’t mean you have to do everything, so be sure to seek help from those around you.
Finally, make sure that you have a good exit plan for when the holidays end. Purchase and label bins to store Christmas decorations for next year. Study how to pack away your holiday goods in the best way possible, and set yourself up for a smooth transition into the holidays next year.
Hosting During the Holidays
Hosting during the holidays can be stressful, but with some careful consideration, early preparations, and a willingness to reach out for a helping hand, you can spend this holiday season hosting like a champ. Good luck, and happy hosting!