Lighting is one of the key factors of one’s perception of an interior. It can set the tone of the room, accentuate elements or make the atmosphere more intimate. Basically, with the right approach to illumination, you can achieve anything you want from a room. There are countless ways and techniques to brighten up your home.

Floor lamps
Floor lamps aren’t that popular as their ceiling-mounted counterparts. However, sometimes they are much more practical and serve as an element of decor. Let’s elaborate on a few points why you might consider buying a floor lamp:
+ Practicality. They require no effort to install and can be moved anytime you need.
+Decoration. If placed in the right way, they become an important element of the interior. A good example is a lamp placed near the couch or an armchair.
+Customization. Most floor lamps have removable shades that you can easily change for more suiting ones or customize the ones you already have
Highlighting corners
Highlighting certain areas makes anyone who enters the room immediately look at them. If you want everyone to notice a painting on the wall, just put a wall lamp above or underneath it. The beam should be directed at whatever you want to showcase.
Also, don’t forget about highlighting areas that need enough illumination for practical purposes. The table you work at, for example. As a writer for instance you may spend hours in front of a computer, you’d want to have a table lamp behind the screen. It can be your main source of illumination. It’s bright enough to keep eyesight safe, and the screen won’t have that strong reflection.
Many people neglect the importance of lampshades. They directly impact the illumination of the room. They can dim it, direct the light onto a certain area or you can even remove them for that Edison-style look. Choose the ones that suit a particular area. For instance, brighter shades will allow more light to pass, while darker and denser ones won’t let it through.
DIY Fixtures
What’s the best decoration for any room? The one that you made yourself, of course. And it’s even more impressive if it has a purpose. There are plenty of guides on the internet on how to make a fixture yourself. It will become a great element of the interior and will remind everyone about your craftiness.

Keep it warm
Which room would feel more “welcoming” to you: the one with a bright cold bulb, or the one that has a warm, a bit yellow, soft tone? Of course, sometimes interiors need to be bright to fulfill their practical purposes. But a living room or a bedroom doesn’t really need to be glowing.
It’s just that softer tones give you that comforting warm feeling and creates a calm atmosphere. Also, the bright bulbs emit more blue light, which suppresses one’s physical need to sleep. iPhone users know all about that “Night Shift” mode which makes the screen yellow. It works the same way.
Summing up
The main goal of decorative lighting is to make you feel comfortable inside a room. No matter what you’re trying to achieve. Let there be light and your interior design will certainly become a point of pride.