Decor That Works All Year
Featured User: Jimmy DiResta
You name it, Jimmy can build it. He’s the handiest handyman. On his popular YouTube channel, Jimmy shows off his almost superhuman ability to make pretty much anything. He’s built everything from a guitar shaped like a machine gun to a replica of a Star Wars Stormtrooper Helmet.
Featured User: Chelsa Crowley
Chelsa is New York cool. The young fashionista got her start as a makeup artist before moving in-house at Estée Lauder. At this point, she’s worked for everyone from Calvin Klein to Bobbi Brown cosmetics. Recently, Chelsa began making plans to launch her own beauty brand, so stay tuned!
Featured User: Noah Kalina
Noah is probably our favorite photographer. He’s not just the guy who takes a picture of his face every single day or the dude who made deli flowers something we’d like to hang on our walls for the rest of our lives — Noah’s an incredibly kind and thoughtful human being who just happens to be capable of capturing the beauty in anything he points a camera at.