15 Best Neighborhoods To Live In Los Angeles 2025

How to Store Holiday Decorations: 10 Easy Ways
Now that the imaginary deadline of December 31st for taking down your holiday decorations passed a while ago, it's time to store...

How to Store Your Bike for Winter: Essential Tips and Tricks
Owning a bike in NYC is pretty awesome, until it comes time for it to take up half your apartment all winter. Keep your bike safe, and out of your way, with any one of these stylish bike storage solutions.

How To Uninstall Your Window Air Conditioner Unit Safely and Easily
Before you tell that noisy 50-pound gorilla chillin in your window, “A/C ya later!” you have to uninstall the dang thing. We show you how in just 11 simple steps.

Tell your Air Conditioner “AC Ya Later!”
Summer scorchers are behind us. It’s time to take those A/C’s out of your windows, throw on a sweater, and let the cool fall breeze flow through your apartment.

How to Keep an Apartment Cool Without Air Conditioning
Summer in the city isn’t always so pretty. There’s nothing like a sweat-drenched, sleepless night on flannel sheets to make you facepalm yourself for not buying an AC unit. Even if you don’t want to spend the cash, or send your electricity bill spiking dramatically upwards, there are some measures you can take to make sure that your cozy little home doesn’t feel too toasty.

How to Install a Window Air Conditioner
There is something unmistakably horrible, awful, and in every way excruciating about the particular sticky heat that seeps in through the cracks of your apartment and nearly suffocates you every summer in New York City.
It’s the kind of heat that makes you wonder if they’ve opened an illegal Russian bathhouse in the apartment below yours. The kind of heat that forces you to shower three times a day. It’s that 200% humidity, 99 degree heat that can only be combated by your trusty air conditioner. Veteran Brooklyners, Manhattanites and the like know that oscillating fans alone just won’t cut it.