15 Best Neighborhoods To Live In Los Angeles 2025

Smart Storage Tips From Your Favorite NYC Sitcoms
We all love to Netflix binge, but we rarely gain anything from marathoning 13 episodes of 30 Rock, apart from...

6 Smart Storage Ideas for Small Apartments
All small apartments are born with an evil villain inside: sparse space that can squash your happiness. The good news...

How Alli Sosna Makes Her Tiny NYC Apartment Feel Huge
To say Alli Sosna is resourceful is an understatement. Through her non-profit MicroGreens, Alli and her fellows teach low-income families...

How to Store Your Bike for Winter: Essential Tips and Tricks
Owning a bike in NYC is pretty awesome, until it comes time for it to take up half your apartment all winter. Keep your bike safe, and out of your way, with any one of these stylish bike storage solutions.

How To Uninstall Your Window Air Conditioner Unit Safely and Easily
Before you tell that noisy 50-pound gorilla chillin in your window, “A/C ya later!” you have to uninstall the dang thing. We show you how in just 11 simple steps.
Seems Insane! NYC’s Costly Luxury Apartment Amenities
Think spending tens of millions of dollars on a swank apartment automatically gets you extras like huge storage space, a suite for your butler or maid, and a private parking spot for your shiny Italian sports car? Think again.

Featured User: Patrick Janelle
MakeSpace power user Patrick Janelle, is more than just an Instagram sensation. He’s also the director of Spring St Social Society, an organization that hosts one of a kind events in unexpected locations around the city. Take a peek at what else Patrick is storing with MakeSpace!